[General] Petals ESB 3.1.3 released

Mathieu Le Breton [via Petals ESB] ml-node+3209007-26073807-385908 at n3.nabble.com
Fri Jul 29 10:32:14 CEST 2011

Petals ESB 3.1.3 maintenance version was just released. It includes both 
and 3.1.3 
<http://jira.petalslink.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10029&version=10252>  container 

Download Petals ESB 3.1.1 

Release note:


    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-18>] - The
    container is always on State: UNKNOWN
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-28>] - The MIME
    "application / zip" check is too restrictive when deploying a JBI
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-70>] - A META tag
    is added when a HTML message is set as output message content
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-83>] - Lack of
    robustness if we play with JMX
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-92>] - Error
    creating new org.ow2.petals.registry.core.repository.bo.Endpoint
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-93>] - Two versions
    of petals-registry-api are packaged
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-98>] - The JMX API
    InstallationServiceMBean.loadInstaller is not JBI compliant when the
    installer does not exist
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-100>] - Successful
    creation of... 2 EPs with same name !
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-105>] - WSDL are
    transmitted at each request
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-117>] - Use of an
    unsynchronized DateFormat
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-127>] - Error
    message when using the autoloader to install a component
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-131>] - Error
    restart Petals ESB after to have installed a faulty component
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-136>] - Unable to
    install a component from a readonly file-based JBI archive
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-141>] - Some HQL
    requests of the registry don't use named parameter
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-142>] - Unable to
    uninstall a component using Ant task after a failed installation
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-143>] - The error
    message of Ant task 'jbi-uninstall-component' is not clear when the
    component is not installed
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-144>] - The Ant
    task does not manage correctly configuration attributes when set by
    configuration file and nested element
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-145>] - No error
    occurs stopping a component in state 'shutdown'
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-146>] - A suite of
    life cycle changes results in end-point leak
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-147>] - The error
    message of the Ant task 'jbi-install-...' or 'jbi-deploy-...' is not
    clear when the attribute 'file' is empty
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-149>] - The error
    message of the Ant task 'petals-configure-...' is not clear when the
    attribute 'file' or 'outputFile' is empty
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-151>] - The Ant
    task 'petals-configure-...' does not delete its temporary files
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-161>] - Unable to
    re-install a component: "Component already registered"
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-164>] - A
    NumberFormatException occurs when component configuration parameters
    are set with invalid values

    Improvement Request

    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-45>] - A trace MUST
    be logged about recovering of shared libraries
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-96>] - In the
    server.properties, correct and improve comment about the parameter
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-103>] - Error about
    opening zip file when loading a new installer from an HTTP URL
    associated to an HTML page
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-107>] -
    Instanciation number of DOM document builder can be optimized
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-108>] -
    Instanciation number of transformer factory can be optimized
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-109>] - Fix and
    improve inheritance between JBIServiceEndpointImpl and
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-112>] - Exchange
    forker can be improved using an entry set instead of a key set
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-116>] - Prefer to
    use ConcurrentHasMap instead of Collections.synchronizedMap(...)
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-118>] - Incorrect
    error message when loading a new installer from a HTTP URL pointing
    on something that is not a ZIP file
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-119>] - Incorrect
    error message when loading a new installer from an inexisting HTTP URL
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-120>] - Don't use
    utility method of the registry implementation
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-125>] - Use
    preparedStatement instead of simple statement to improve performance
    and security
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-128>] - The
    recovering thread pool should be sizable
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-130>] - Add default
    option -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true when starting petals
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-132>] - Use String
    Reader instead of StringBufferInputStream in XmlUtil
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-134>] - The
    persistence service should use batch of SQL commands to insert array
    of the same data
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-135>] - The
    persistence service should use fetch-array with ResultSet to
    retrieve data of a request returning several lines
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-138>] - The logged
    trace about installer loading should be different in both installer
    loading methods
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-148>] - The error
    message of Ant tasks managing component lifecycle is not clear when
    the component identifier is empty
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-150>] - No error is
    thrown when using the Ant task 'petals-configure-...' with an output
    archive that already exists
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-155>] - The error
    message of Ant tasks uninstalling a shared library is not clear when
    the shared library identifier is empty
    <http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-158>] - Add a MBean
    operation to synchronize the registry

Petals Link
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