[General] Petals ESB 3.0.6 released.

Mathieu mathieu.lebreton at petalslink.com
Wed Mar 16 10:21:25 CET 2011

Petals ESB 3.0.6 was released. It adds minor corrections and compatibility with latest component version.
Note: notification should not be activated with this release. Next maintenance release will include stable notification.

Bugs fixed:
[PETALSESBCONT-46 (http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-46)] - Classloader isolation uncomplete 	
[PETALSESBCONT-60 (http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-60)] - Too many open Files when sending attachment to remote node 	
[PETALSESBCONT-61 (http://jira.petalslink.com/browse/PETALSESBCONT-61)] - Prevent a container to override it's own configuration when synchronizing its topology. 

 --Posted via petals mailing-list (http://forum.petalslink.com/m2f_usercp.php)--

Petals ESB - Standard, Multi-server and Open source ESB (http://petals.ow2.org)

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