[General] Forum evolution

Mathieu mathieu.lebreton at petalslink.com
Wed Mar 16 10:21:35 CET 2011

Idea from Mathieu Carolle : XML Markups are interpreted by the email client (verified)
Marc Jambert : use plain-text instead of html
So I just did the switch. Hope the markups will appear now.

Note : We won't switch to phpBB 3 before some times, because the mailing-list module is in alpha version and does not seem to move fast.
Which means : stick to this forum.
The next feature will be the ability to attach documents (this works with the email module as well)

The last two one, if they exist, would be a "Solve/Pending/Other" tagging, and the display of unanswered topics.

Petals ESB, the open source ESB (http://petals.ow2.org) based on standards, and distributed along multiple servers.

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