[General] Where can I find a BPEL sample?

vzurczak vincent.zurczak at petalslink.com
Wed Mar 16 10:21:53 CET 2011

Hi Stephan, :) 

StephanBouchard wrote:
> In openESB, the jbi.xml files for SU and SA are automatically generated by the CASA project in Netbeans. So, I do not have experience at all to configure jbi.xml files.

In the studio, it is possible to automatically create a set of SU projects from an existing BPEL.
For that, you have to create a croquis (also called sketch). Select BPEL and start from an existing BPEL process.
A project will be created. It will contain all the BPEL resources. 
Then, you can export it by right-clicking Petals > Create concrete projects.

It will generate projects for the BPEL component (the jbi.xml will be generated automatically), SU projects for all your partner links and a SOAP SU to expose your process as a web service outside Petals.
This is briefly described on our wiki (http://doc.petalslink.com/display/petalsstudiosnapshot/Going+through+a+BPEL+croquis).

StephanBouchard wrote:
> What I think I will see in your SA is:
> - A SOAP SU that expose a service outside the ESB and consumes the BPEL service linked to receiver partner.
> - A BPEL SU that provides a service into the ESB linked to the receiver partner.  It also consumes a service linked to the invoker that refers to a service exposed in the ESB. This is the particular part that I do not understand. I do not know how to link my BPEL partners with my JBI provider and consumer. 
> - A SOAP SU that exposes a service inside the ESB consumed by the BPEL invoker partner and consumes an external service.

I'm not sure to understand the link between this and what you described in your first message.  [Question] 
I'd rather start from your initial description.

StephanBouchard wrote:
> - Read a file with petals-bc-filetransfer
> - Process its contain (append “hello”) with petals-se-bpel
> - Write the result in a file with petals-bc-filetransfer

Is the file reader supposed to be a directory checker, or does it target a specific file?
I will assume it is the first hypothetisis.
	The first part would be implemented with a SU for the File Transfer BC, in consume mode. Each time a file is found in a directory, a message is sent to the BPEL.

	Your BPEL already exists and you can create a BPEL SU by using a croquis.

	And to write the result, a SU for the FileTransfer BC in provide mode is enough. 

	The missing part is the link between the BPEL process and the file writer service. 

What you have to do is to create a new service that composes the BPEL process and the file writer.
It is a higher-level process (or service). The most simple approach is to use a routing-slip EIP (the input of one service is the output of the previous one).
Or if you think it makes too many services, maybe you could think about modifying your BPEL to directly invoke the file writer service.  [Idea] 

I hope that will help you.

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