[Users] BPELException: Impossible to realize the following assignmen

gderouze guillaume.derouze at synergieassocies.com
Wed Mar 16 10:39:20 CET 2011

in the Travel Agency use case, i've got the following error when I try to send a message to the BPEL process : 
"com.ebmwebsourcing.easybpel.model.bpel.api.BPELException: Impossible to realize the following assignment: $output.payload/tns:airLineReservationId = $airlinepartnerResponse.parameters/ns:bookFlightReturn/ns:reservationId"

The error occurs in the 'resOK' step when I try to assign values :
from : $airlinepartnerResponse.parameters/ns:bookFlightReturn/ns:reservationId
to : $output.payload/tns:airLineReservationId

If I change the from expression to a fixed value, there is no error.

Do you have an idea ? is linked to the type of the field ?


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