[Users] namespaces conflict

ccaron caron.clement at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 10:54:44 CET 2011

Hi again all.

I didn't managed to fix my problem yet, but I tried to make an easier sample in order to find where the problem come from, now there is only 2 assigns and 1 invoke and 1 wsdl with 2 xsd imports.
The XML generate by the bpel component seems wrong, and I'd like to know if there is a problem in my project, or if the component does not support the xsd import in wsdl files (if I use the variable I receive in the invoke, it works, but if I copy it, the namespace links are wrong).

Here is the log:

OUTGOING Payload : <wsdlns:processArgs xmlns:wsdlns="http://weblab-project.org/services/analyser" xmlns:tns="http://weblab-project.org/services/analyser/types" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="tns:processArgs"><resource xmlns:model="http://weblab-project.org/core/model/" uri="?" xsi:type="model:resource" /></wsdlns:processArgs>
[Petals.Container.Components.petals-bc-soap]-WARNING 2010-03-19 11:15:48,435 Catch an exception on the WS invocation : Cannot find dispatch method for {http://weblab-project.org/services/analyser}processArgs

wsdlns:processArgs should be tns:processArgs, because of an import in my wsdl.

Could someone tell me if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's a issue from the bpel component?
Here is my SA : link (http://leff.is-a-geek.com/sa-BPEL-AnalyserService-provide.zip)
Here is the argument I input :

    <resource xmlns:ns5="http://weblab-project.org/core/model/"
      synchronised="false" uri="weblab://tutorial/my.document"
      xsi:type="ns5:document" />


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