[Users] Client for PEtALS

ticolucci ticolucci at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 11:05:34 CET 2011

Hi everyone!

I need a SOAP client to make several calls to a service of mine, so that I can evaluate the scalability of different topologies of composed services.
The main service of all compositions can be found here (it's WSDL is always the same, what changes is the BPEL generated to create the right topology of services):

I tested the service with the webconsole and it worked well, but I need it to be executed pragmatically (or from the shell). This way I'll be able to dispatch a lot of requests to make the evaluation

I'm currently using a ruby script as client, but it cannot handle parallel executions. Therefore I can't meet the the required frequency of calls to the service (to test scalability).
I tried to create a JAX-WS using 'wsimport', but it crashes with the wsdl above, telling:


[WARNING] warning: part Part is ignored, either the "element" or the "type" attribute is required in part "Part"
  line 15 of http://aguia1.ime.usp.br:8084/petals/services/NodeService1?wsdl

[WARNING] warning: part Part is ignored, either the "element" or the "type" attribute is required in part "Part"
  line 15 of http://aguia1.ime.usp.br:8084/petals/services/NodeService1?wsdl

(if anyone has the answer for this i'll be glad!! All the help is welcome!! =)

I also tried Axis (and Axis2), but it crashed with this "Part" element too...

Finally, curl and java.net.* libraries send the soap request to the main Service, but it never reaches the invoked services from the main service. Therefore the response never comes back.   (which i consider to be very weird...     I think it might be some issue with the SOAP version or something like this...)

I need a client that handles parallel executions ASAP to continue the evaluation.
It would be awesome if anyone could tell me which client you guys use for efficiency (fast, parallel, etc)!!  =D

Thanks in advance,

PS.: if you didn't understand something, please tell me so I can try to explain better... =D

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