[Users] Petals Starting Guide - day 4 (Jsr-181): java to WSDL: error not showing

petaleRose [via Petals Forums] ml-node+s974793n4022327h11 at n3.nabble.com
Wed May 30 14:17:25 CEST 2012

Dear Mr. vinzent, i have written few methods retrieving and writing some data
in mysql database and i got one error: "/1 error occured during the
generation process. Check the log for more details/". but There is NOTHING
like an error in the Log. 

Here is my program with the methods...


/// variable for the connection
		private  Connection conn = null;		
		private  Statement  statement = null;
		private  ResultSet result = null;
		private  int id;
		private  String msg;

	    @WebMethod( operationName="getConnection" )
	    @WebResult( name="returngetConnection" )
	    public  Connection getConnection() throws Exception {
				String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
			    String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/id_manager";
			    String username = "root";
			    String password = "petals";
			    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username,
			}catch(Exception e) // has to be checked properly!
				System.out.println("Http 500: Server error due to a database access
error or to the fact that this method is called on a closed connection");
				//throw e;			
		    return conn;
	    @WebMethod( operationName="ChekIdDatabase" )
	    @WebResult( name="returnChekIdDatabase" )
	    public boolean ChekIdDatabase(int id) throws Exception
			boolean res = false;
				String query = "";		
				conn = getConnection();				
				statement = conn.createStatement();
				query = "SELECT * FROM `msg_storage` where id = "+id;
				result = statement.executeQuery(query);			
				result.last();	//pointing the cursor on the last row only then the
number of rows/match can be read!
					res = true;
			} catch (Exception e) 
				 throw e;
			return res;
		 * stores the id in the DB
		 * @param id is the id to be stored
		 * @param msg is the matching message to be stored 
		 * @return in String "http 200" if successful or "http 500" if an error 
		 * occured while writing in the DB
	    @WebMethod( operationName="WriteIdDatabase" )
	    @WebResult( name="returnWriteIdDatabase" )
		public String WriteIdDatabase(int id, String msg) throws Exception
			String res = "http 200 The id '"+id+"' has been stored sucessfully!"; //
				if(ChekIdDatabase(id)== false)
					System.out.println("\n Id has NEVER been booked in the DB !");
					String query = "";		
					conn = getConnection();				
					statement = conn.createStatement();				
					query = "INSERT INTO `id_manager`.`msg_storage` (`id`, `msg`) VALUES
('"+id+"', 'message-"+id+"');";
					int var = statement.executeUpdate(query);
					System.out.println("\n"+var +" row affected");
					res = "The id '"+id+"' is already stored in the DB. It can not be done
twice! ";					 
			} catch (Exception e) {
				 throw e;
			} finally {
			return res;
		 * close all the opened connections to the DB
	    @WebMethod( operationName="close" )	 
		public void close()
			try {
				if (result != null) {

				if (statement != null) {

				if (conn != null) {
			} catch (Exception e) {


Can somebody please help me find out why this is not working? Have i
forgotten some driver for mysql... or something like this... because, i got
NO ERROR inserting "import java.sql.*".

Please i would really need to uderstand.

Thank you.

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