[General] You, heroes, can help me create the Petals 3 Starting Guide

Mathieu mathieu.lebreton at petalslink.com
Wed Mar 16 10:21:02 CET 2011

Thanks for your answers.

Yes, a reference documentation first is ideal.
Problem is : that's a HUGE work. I can't help with it.
Would it be possible to resolve one problem at a time ?

My problem is to keep the new users :
Petals ESB works fairly well once you know how to use it.
But lots of people come, download it, try it, then go away.
(Only 5% come on the forum)

Experience says : almost every new Petals user comes for an ESB evaluation.
Why does he go away ? I think he just can't get it run.

So we need to help him start with Petals, for his evaluation.
Do you think a few tutorials, demonstrating the most evaluated features, would help him ?

This, at least, would be easier to create than a full documentation, and could be online in a month.

 --Posted via petals mailing-list (http://forum.petalslink.com/m2f_usercp.php)--

Petals ESB, the open source ESB (http://petals.ow2.org) based on standards, and distributed along multiple servers.

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