[Users] The [action] cannot be processed at the receiver

ticolucci ticolucci at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 11:05:06 CET 2011

vzurczak wrote:
> Two things.
> About your case, is the script running outside Petals? If so, what services does Petals host?

Yes, it's running on my machine, Petals is running on the cloud.
Petals is the host of the generated set of services. (Nodes and LeafNode)
Petals is in flooding mode on the cloud. Each instance of the cloud is a peer in the Bus.
Finally, each service is deployed in one node of the Bus.

> About the error... Yes, the invocation script is the client. 
> But I don't see any action (SOAP 1.2) or SoapAction (SOAP 1.1) in the headers.
> Can you try to specify it, even if the value is empty?
> You can take a look to this article (http://www.oreillynet.com/xml/blog/2002/11/unraveling_the_mystery_of_soap.html) about SOAP actions.

Ok, I tried to fix my naive client, but no success... So I started using a more robust gem to create the client. Now I'm sure that the error isn't in the client side. 
The problem isn't solved yet...  The weird thing is that weh I have only one Node invoking the Leaf, all works. But with a middle Node (Node -> Node -> Leaf), the first says "The [action] cannot be processed at the receiver". Is it possible that the Node's bpel is not calling the other Node in the proper way?

Thanks a lot,

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