[General] Technical information of component for monitoring

rnaudin roland.naudin at petalslink.com
Wed Mar 16 10:21:22 CET 2011

 [Arrow] about the NMR queues states (Router/Transporter), the internal model will change with the 'HA at service level and Robustness at service level' features.
Once these feature done, i'll propose some monitoring infos about these queues.

 [Arrow] About incoming and outcoming processing time, there already time handled in the Router Monitor.
Once the queues evolution done in the NMR, the time spend in NMR queue can be too handled by the Router Monitor. So you will have all the time spent at each step of an exchange life hold in the  Router Monitor.
Maybe BCs can propose a transfer processing time? it's up to the BCs implementors, as specific data for specific component will be possible.

 [Arrow] Number of established connection, good point, as we spoke to pool the connections when possible in all the components, a pool with only 'dynamic' elements (no permanent element).
BTW, what is the difference between 
> connection status (connected, disconnected)
> number of established connections

 [Arrow] Differ the fault and error, ok, not to hard.

 [Arrow] Message per endpoint. I was speaking by SU, as a SU is the administrable element, but we can 'fine grained' to endpoint. We must know what SU is bound to what endpoint in that case.
Although, there is endpoints that can be activated directly by component, so not bound to an SU.
Just a litlle more complex to handle in the CDK.

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