[Users] SE POJO for PEtALS 4.1

Yann [via Petals Forums] ml-node+s974793n4025240h14 at n3.nabble.com
Thu Aug 9 14:42:35 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I'm working on a open source project  http://weblab.ow2.org WebLab  which
relies on PEtALS for the ESB part.
Since objects exchanged from one service to another in a processing chain
are not as simple as most of the BPEL/EIP tutorial, and since we often need
to include complex business logic with the orchestration, we are mainly
using the SE POJO in order to design the orchestration process. (
http://weblab-project.org/index.php?title=WebLab_POJO_Chain WebLab POJO
Utils )

Our problem is that SE POJO is not part of 4.0/4.1 PEtALS distribution and
that the last delivered version (2.2.6 ?) can't be deployed on 4.x ESB.

Do you plan to update the SE POJO ?
If yes, maybe you can tell us more on the schedule ??
If no, is there spare plan to enable orchestration through the use of Java
inside PEtALS ?

Thanks in advance,

http://weblab-project.org/index.php?title=WebLab WebLab Project 

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